Complexity Joins HCS Partnership Program

Complexity is the newest organization to enter into the HCS Partnership Program.

Announced today, Assistant General Manager Nick Ridgeway, stated that the org has plans for activations and booths at Halo events and tournaments including members of the Complexity family. He also states that the org will have a video series following the team’s journey throughout the HCS season as experienced by Apollo, a character Complexity has created.

Complexity first entered the competitive Halo space in 2011, when the org sponsored Triggers Down. In December 2021, the org announced it’s return with new team for the launch of HCS during Halo Infinite, consisting of Hysteria, Rob The Turtle, Hunter Jjx, and TritonJB. After a couple roster changes, Complexity placed Top 16 at the 2022 Halo World Championship with CyKul, MoNsTeR, Neuronical, and Vetra.